Project Overview
Both, Chongren and the authorities of Biyang, have agreed that all old buildings at the Gucheng Primary School must be dismantled for safety reasons (no vertical steel reinforcements), and are to be replaced by a new multi-functional U-shaped school complex. The new building will have a total surface of 2790 m2, and include 8 classrooms, 3 dormitory rooms for girls and 3 for boys each, 1 large canteen, 1 music room, 1 library, 1 reading room. The budget amounts to RMB 2.834 million for Chongren, while the local authorities will take care of the infrastructure of the new complex such as outdoor digestion tank, sewage pipes, fire extinguishers, electricity supply, et al.
The new school is based on the real needs of Gucheng and of the four neighboring villages, of today as well as of the near future. As a matter of fact, the number of students of grades 1-6 will increase from today 178 to 260, when the new building will be completed. Furthermore, around 90 pre-school students will additionally attend classes in the new school complex, where there are no pre-school students today. grades
The new school will provide Gucheng and its neighboring villages with a modern educational infrastructure, thus allowing the students of the area concerned to live up to the increasingly tough competition prevailing in other areas of Henan and in China in general.